Saturday, August 1, 2009

I am an African American and I am trying to do things to get my hair to grow閳ユ攦an anyone answer these

I know that applying heat often to African American hair isn't good, which is why I don't curl/flat-iron my hair but once every two weeks or so (I wrap it up to keep it's style). But does anyone know of any really good flat-irons that work good on my hair? I saw an infomercial once about a flat-iron that actually combed the hair as it straightened it, unlike other flat -irons. Also, what are some really good and healthy shampoos and conditioners that I could use? Also, is it better to not get too many perms/relaxers? would that help my hair grow?

thank you for anyone's help! =)

I am an African American and I am trying to do things to get my hair to grow閳ユ攦an anyone answer these questions

OK this is what u do. It may be expensive but trust me it will work

1. I would recomend u stay away from perms which are full of chemicals that damage hair and its easier to grow your hair when its natural anyways.

2. First a good starting point is to get a good clip. It doesn't necessarily make your hair grow faster but it will be healthier and easier to grow with even ends which makes it seem like it grows faster.

3. Invest in a good moisterizing shampoo and conditioner. Dont buy into that crap that says super grow and everything, its mostly filled with mineral oil and doesn't work. Black hair is fragily and dry and moiture keeps it healthy and strong which prevents breakage and helps it grow. Creme of nature and cantu are good choices. (I use them)

4. Buy a heat protectant. This in addition to the flat iron will allow u to make even less damage to ur hair when using heat.

5. This is the biggest but probably most beneficial investment. If you're going to starighten your hair, it needs to be ceremic or ionic which is MUCH healthier for your and has better results. Just read up on how it protects your hair from less damage in the link below. It has alot of before and after pics to prove it works .And sweetie, yes it works for coarse hair it dont cost that much for nothing!

I recomend the brands Solia and Sedu

6. Invest in some vitamins. Some I would recomend are biotin, prenatal vitamins, or flaxeed fish oil( yea it sounds neasty but if fill with omega-3 and 6 which is great for hair.

7. Invest in a good NATURAL oil moiterizer. There are oils out there that are easy to find but make sure its natural and doesn't contain mineral oil. Lightly oil your hair every night before you wrap your hair.Organic root Stimulator is a nice one.

Well, thats about it if u keep up the regimin of

clip ends once every 6 weeks

wash hair every week

flat iron hair every week or two

take vitamins every day

wrap hair every night along with lightly oiling

In a little while you'll be fabulous but u have to be patient and stick to it! GOOD LUCK

Merry Christmas =)

I am an African American and I am trying to do things to get my hair to grow閳ユ攦an anyone answer these questions

chemicals like relaxers and perms damage the hair and make it harder to grow. if you really want to buy a flat iron, get one that has ionic settings.

I am an African American and I am trying to do things to get my hair to grow閳ユ攦an anyone answer these questions

If you take a daily vitamin, it doesn't matter what ethnicity you are, they will help your hair and fingernails grow. I am not african american, but I use Fructis length and strength shampoo and conditioner, plus take a daily multivitamin with vitamin E, and in 4 months, my hair grew about 4 inches.

I am an African American and I am trying to do things to get my hair to grow閳ユ攦an anyone answer these questions

well, I know the falt iron youre talking about, its called MAXIGLIDE you can find it at ULTA it works great,although my hair is curly and not kinky. ( so not sure how it works in that type of hair). sorry cANT help w/ the question bout hair grow !!

I am an African American and I am trying to do things to get my hair to grow閳ユ攦an anyone answer these questions

I definitely have the answers to all your trouble..sit back this will be long. I discovered this about 3 months ago and now my hair flows in the wind and is so weightless and healthy. And no i do not have a relaxer i stopped getting them 5 years ago ( and i've only have 3 relaxers in my life time so this is all natural) it amazes me. It is better not to get relaxer but if you do get the Mizani or Affirm, and only relaxer new growth (once you have relaxed your whole head )and try to stretch relaxers for as long as possible

1. The shampoo, unfortunately many black women are using shampoos with alcohol and petroleum jelly. step away from them. Use Aveda's shampoo.. specifically the name is Brilliant...go to the website. I use it, i love it, it mouisterizes my hair and the products are natural. i have also heard that KeraCare is good.

2. Okay, step two condition it and then it is time to comb it out, Do not use a brush on you hair when it is wet,,it will hate you for it then break off in revenge.

3. Do a hot oil treatment atleast once a month with extra virgin olive oil...repeat..EXTRA VIRGIN olive oil..not the regular stuff. unfortunately i have yet to take this step however my hair is doing great.

4. Okay on the daily basis you need to pay close attention to your hair...i recommend conditioning your scalp and your ends so that they will not get dry and unhealthy

Petroleum jellly and mineral oil are weapons of mass destruction,,it does so much harm to your hair it cannot be all explained here. So you ask what do I use...well natural oils

jojoba oi, extra virgin olive oil, sesame oil, emu oil, coconut oil...all these natural oils and more love you..i promise.

5. Next,,if you want your hair straight but still be natural it is time to get a freakin good flat iron.,i have the does the job but I recommend getting the Sedu because of the good reviews. make sure to protect your hair..i have so thermal protector from Aveda.

6. Wrap your hair with a satin or silk scarf to protect it from breakage

7. Eat healthy, drink lots of water,

8. take multivitamins, and fish oil pills you can get from GNC.

Follow these steps and life will be good..the best part about flat iron (which i do once a week or every two weeks not everday since it will kill your hair) is that it is not stringy but thick and healthy, yet straight and light enough to blow in the wind.

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