I got my hair retouch last Friday and it was so silky and pretty last night I washed my hair and flat ironed and its not like it was. Should I have waited. I have coarse african american hair. And I thought it was nessecilary to wash weekly.
For african american hair. How often should you wash it after a retouch.?
If you think your hair is dirty then wash it. I hate to hear people say that african american should only wash there hair every other week. I wash mine when I know I have filled it full of hair care products and it just doesn't great. What the problem was after you washed it you should have deep conditioned it...fresh relaxed hair can feel so dry after the first wash. Like I said when you feel it needs to be washed then go for it...
For african american hair. How often should you wash it after a retouch.?
You should wait next time. Black hair doesn't have the oils that white hair does. You can add oil in, but lucky you, your hair doesn't have to be washed as often and won't smell badly if you don't, unless!!!! you are a sports girl...Sweat stinks on all races! You lucky girl to have beautiful hair!!! Nana
For african american hair. How often should you wash it after a retouch.?
Every other week I say thats the longest you should wait.
For african american hair. How often should you wash it after a retouch.?
next time wait at least 2 weeks and if you have to wash it earlier than that try using curlers and an overhead blowdryer it'll help your hair keep the silkyness
For african american hair. How often should you wash it after a retouch.?
well yea i just got my touch up today funny thing huh lol any way well i go to my stylist every 2 weeks but sometimes i cant make it so i do it my self like wash it,%26amp; another thing it could be what your useing i have the white/silk like hair too girl and i use/usd sunsilk the green but im going to use tresseme anti brakeage or rich mositure and i dont like wraping my hair cause it says going that way i hate that) anyway next i use tressme's heat tamer and i spray that in while it's wet and i let it air dry or you can use a low setting blow dry let it dry all the way and last but not lesat flat iron and style how you want it to be thats what i do and i get lovey hair
For african american hair. How often should you wash it after a retouch.?
I am an african american and it is best to wash your hair every 2 weeks, but there is an exception if you have lots of dandruff in your hair you should go ahead and wash it.
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