I am clueless! I barely know how to fix my hair. What all do I need to do regulary to keep a mixed child's hair (Black and Mexican) looking healthy and nice? What products...etc....anything will help
African American hair...My child is mixed.....help!?
I have a daughter who is 3 and her father is white. She has mid-back length hair that is all over the place when she wakes up in the morning. Its a curly grade, not frizzy or "nappy" but it is still kind of poufy. What I do is use a wide tooth comb and a little hair lotion like BB, its a really good brand for little kids, and a bit of spray on detangler like Just For Me. First I spray on the detangler, then comb from the ends of her hair and work my way through until all of the tangles are out. After that I put in the hair lotion and she has perfect spirals that need no more styling unless I choose to put her hair in a ponytail or two french braids. Mixed race hair isn't all that much of a matter, its only becomes an obstacle if you see it as one. Also, don't wash her hair everyday, that only increases the dryness, if you rinse it and condition it every other night that should suffice.
But if its really curly, find a braider.
Do not use greases or anything with mineral oil or petroluem in it, it'll only complicate the hair.
Don't comb it while its dry, it'll snap off.
African American hair...My child is mixed.....help!?
my son is mexican and black and his hair is real soft. i just put baby oil in his hair and i can brush it straight or i can like ruffle it up with my fingers and they turn into big curls. Report It
African American hair...My child is mixed.....help!?
deep conditioning should help
African American hair...My child is mixed.....help!?
also you can use organics hair mayonaise it is full of protien wich makes strong growing hair and use the wholoe dr. miracles line its great real great
African American hair...My child is mixed.....help!?
Take th child to an ethnic salon to get it properly evaluated by a professional and ask for tips on products and styling because no two biracial people have the same hair.
African American hair...My child is mixed.....help!?
I suggest taking the child to an ethnic hair salon or barber shop also. Your child's hair needs to be accessed. It depends on the texture, density, porosity and elasticity.... what you do to it. You neglected to say if your child was a boy or a girl. For boys a good cut will work wonders. For girls you will need to invest in a few conditioning products. Your beautician will give you all the information you need. Generally if the hair is extremely course or thick a children's relaxer is suggested. PCJ and others for little girls are very good. Even if you decide to go this route... let your beautician do it. A kitchen beautician will not take all the proper steps to ensure quality. They will also not be liable if your child's hair falls out or gets damaged. After the treatment you can follow up with light leave in conditioners... hair oil... or even a little gel.
Remember... this is a child's head... not an adults. Do not slather her hair with products that will damage it. You may even want to keep it natural with braids and twists. Check it out. My hair is in dreadlocks and yes! there are natural hair professionals that work wonders and maintain the mane just wonderfully! Your hair is your crowning glory so... seek professional advice!
African American hair...My child is mixed.....help!?
I know how you feel girlfriend! My Daughter is biracial blk %26amp; white, and I live in country where there are hardly any afro haired people. I decided that I was going to have to step up and learn, practise and do whatever to keep my lil girls hair looking nice, without relaxing it. Ive bought books, DVD's and read alot of advice over the net. My cornrows are pretty average now but I have mastered a few other styles, and I get comments all the time! I use a comb, sectioning clips, heavy leave in conditoner, mousse and some times a straightning ceramic iron, oh and patience .....
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