I'm going on vacation soon and I plan on swimming every day while I am there. I am African American with relaxed hair and I am wondering if there are any products that I could use that would allow me to air dry my hair without it leaving my hair a tangled, easily broken mess.
Air drying african american hair?
I agree with the first post. You should get braids, but if you plan on air drying for whatever reason. You should put an oil moisturizer in your hair to condition it. Try Pink Lotion, or Pantene Daily Moisturizing conditioner for natural and relaxed hair. Make sure you rinse any chlorine or salt water out of your hair first and then comb the moisturizer through. This will keep it from tangling too bad.
Air drying african american hair?
get braids. so you can go swimming with ease and so you don't have to worry about your hair getting messed up. you can also get singles too. air drying will mess your hair up use a blow dryer as a first resort.
Air drying african american hair?
There are a few products out there that will help nourish and protect your hair. Biolage makes a kind of loation for your hair that protects it from the sun. You can also get frizz ease, that is what I use(I'm white,but have curly tangly hair). It leaves my hair soft and shiny. It works w/ my hair type. If you can't find these. Go to your salon, they will have what you need.
Air drying african american hair?
hmmm that's a tough one. right before a trip to florida (like the day before) once, I got a relaxer and cute cut for my hair and got down there and swam everyday. some days I would just put some hair oil in it (like wonder 8 oil) brush it back into a ponytail and not worry about it...but honestly after a day or so you should wash and blow dry. depending on what kind of water you'll be in (pool water esp.) you'll find your hair will dry out a lot faster and even faster if you let it air dry.
i'd suggest taking a small dryer and flat iron, getting braids/twist/cornrows for the trip, or just make sure you know you'll be needing a SERIOUS deep conditioner when you return. Have Fun!
Air drying african american hair?
put on a good moisturizing conditioner (dove or tresemme)before you go into the water. and spritz it with water (get some bottled water or something) this will provide a barrier between you hair and the chlorinated water. I would also put it into one low ponytail or 2 (split in the back and one on each side) after I have coated it with conditioner.
I had to come back and say that pantene products for relaxed an natural are known to break hair off and make it fall out in clumps. Run!!
air drying is way better than heat drying. the problem that people run into with air drying is that they put on products while the hair is soaking wet and let it dry. BAd! put the products on while the hair is damp and then use a wide comb and it will stay moisturized better and won't be tangled as much.
Air drying african american hair?
braids for a week is good i just got my first realxer and it cool and i just wased my hair to and it was fine lit it air dry.but put like a leave in cream like sunsilk pink tlc and while your hair is still wet put it in and itrub it in good and comb it.. i use sunsilk and it rocks i use the green kind for curls and i now i have straight relaxerd hair but it smells really good ..you can go to www.sunsilk.coma d get some frre smaples and trey it out but shampoo and conditon it and get some kind of leave in cream and comb it that way
hoped i helped
Air drying african american hair?
use lotta body setting lotion and wrap your hair after you wash it..thats what i do and my hair comes out very nice...like i used heat.... if u cant get lottabody (revlon) try another setting/wrap lotion
Air drying african american hair?
Just make sure you use a clarifying shampoo after swimming or find one that gets the chlorine out because that is the one thing you don't want in your hair for a long period wih relaxed hair. Another suggestion would be to put conditioner on your hair before swimming as a protector from chlorine and other elements. No I wouldn't get braids either because you can't really shampoo them and you need to after swimming. Since you are going for only a week you could just enjoy your vacation and get a professional deep conditioning treatment when you get back. One week won't destroy your hair. Have fun!!
Air drying african american hair?
Use Infusium, the leave in conditioner. Just bring a spray bottle, do not mix it with water like some people normally recommend. when you get out put that stuff straight in there and spray it. Let it dry, that should weigh it down enough to keep it from frizzing all over the place.
Try that ahead of time. I'm a mulatto so my hair texture is very similar to yours but not exactly, but it's an easy answer that worked for me so give it a shot.
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