Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Can't get African American hair product out of caucasian hair?

My friend's son let some of his friends use grease to put corn rows in his hair the other day and now he can't get the product out of his hair. He has kind of fine, blonde hair and it just looks oily now. He has washed his hair with every shampoo at their house and it just won't come out. Any suggestions?

Can't get African American hair product out of caucasian hair?

HAHAH I have friends who do this all the time. All you need to do is get some Dawn dish washing liquid and this will take it out Yes Dawn dishwashing liquid this is some amazing stuff with getting the grease out and go ahead u can get the apple scent or a pretty scent they have and shampoo his hair and just use your regular conditioner afterwards ---I also use dawn to get oil out of certain clothes Also its just a pomade(heavy grease) so it wont kill him for future hair stlyes he just should use mousse but if these are kids he's letting experiment with his hair they of course will not know this. A black mom who puts relaxers on my lovely black people and perms on funny white people - and as far a shampoo there is no black or white shampoo all shampoo is for everyone hell I've been using pantene since I was 12 because of my mom and wow by gosh know they say blacks can use funny the small minds of society =====just get the dawn and a conditioner he'll be ok

Can't get African American hair product out of caucasian hair?

maybe make a paste out of baking soda, its gritty and absorbant, or he may have to shave his head...

Can't get African American hair product out of caucasian hair?

you know, they use Dawn dish soap to get the oil out of birds when they had that oil spill in Alaska....I'd try that.

Can't get African American hair product out of caucasian hair?

He just needs to use a Claifiying Shampoo for a day or two and it will come out.

Can't get African American hair product out of caucasian hair?

I agree with the baking soda idea. If that doesn't work he may try the good ol' bar of soap if he has to. Buy a clarifying shampoo and if even that doesn't work I would go to a salon and ask them for a shampoo.

Can't get African American hair product out of caucasian hair?

well for one caucasion people shouldnt be using african american products because of what happened. He needs to get some shampoo that will concentrate on the oil. Usualy this is a black product too but it should work.

Can't get African American hair product out of caucasian hair?

Yes , first take out the corn rows .

Second , use very hot water and powdered laundry detergent .

Third , repeat . It may take two or three washes .

To put corn rows in white hair use a very small amount of baby oil , very small amount , I can't stress that enough . As I'm sure you know that will wash out easily .

Can't get African American hair product out of caucasian hair?

Use Dawn for Dishes as a shampoo, this products removes grease, then condition your hair.

Can't get African American hair product out of caucasian hair?

He need to use a black people champoo.

Can't get African American hair product out of caucasian hair?

have you taken the cornrows loose? if not, do this first. then wash with a clarifying shampoo. do a double wash. wash, rinse,then wash and rinse again. you can get the expensive kind, but suave has a good one. clarifying shampoo and conditioner.

i am afican american and wear my hair natural, but still use products that can build up and when i feel that this is occuring i use the suave clarifying shampoo and conditioner. i get very good results with this product. no more heavy grease on caucasion hair, not even on black hair. black hair can take more oiling than caucasion hair because our hair is naturally more drier than others with straight hair. even african americans with straight hair is oilier than kinky african american hair, so shampoos and conditioners made for african american hair is less drying.

anyway, try the suave clarifying shampoo and conditioner or make sure that the shampoo you do get is clarifying for normal to oily hair.

good luck. but i think this should work.

Can't get African American hair product out of caucasian hair?

Are the braids still in his head? Most likely the "grease" they used has mineral oil in it- very weighty and heavy on the hair.

If so, Be very gentle and Use Dawn dishwashing liquid mixed with a warm water %26amp; little baking soda on damp hair.

Rinse very well, make sure you massge into each braid and loosen them up.

Unbraid them and wash again with the Dawn and water.

Spray some detangler onto his damp hair (Like Johnson's No More Tears) and work the product through with a wide toothed comb.

Using a heavy conditioner is going to make his fine hair look greasy.

The African American hair industry has tried to brianwash people into believing that certain products are for white hair and certain products are for black hair.

Not all black hair is thick, coarse and wiry just like all caucasian hair isn't straight, fine and shiny.

It's not a matter of black hair products or white hair products - good quality products will work on ALL hair types provided they are used correctly for the hair texture, not the person's cultural heritage.

Can't get African American hair product out of caucasian hair?

well he could try baking soda paste or some dawn dish soap to wash dat slick off his hair.. wash thoroughly and dont forget to condtion his hair as too much washing may cause overdryness of the scalp.greasy products always create havoc on ones hair be it black, white,asian,blue,purple watever.

Can't get African American hair product out of caucasian hair?

well i hate gresse it is oil um well you would have let it soak up in his hair of when youm wash his hair let the shampoo and the condirter sit for like 5 min each

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