Saturday, August 1, 2009

I feel so ashamed of my African American hair?

When I was younger my mom hated doing my hair because it was so curly and dense. She would break combes trying to put a part in it. I never really paid much mind to it until I got to ATL and the weather started messing it up. Thats when I got a perm. It grew and grew and grew into a very nice length. But now 5 years later I feel like I've turned my back on my African American roots. Part of me wants to cut it off and start over. But I LOVE MY PERMED HAIR. Does this make me ashamed of my blackness.

I feel so ashamed of my African American hair?

No it does not. I have had my hair relaxed, natural, and braided. That is the beauty of African American hair! It is so versatile.

The only time I think someone is ashamed of their blackness is when they think that African american hair in its natural state is "ugly" and that is their reason for straightening it. It is a personal choice, just like having long or short hair. Just be sure of the reason why you "love your hair permed"....

I feel so ashamed of my African American hair?

No, it doesn't make you ashamed.

I feel so ashamed of my African American hair?

No it just means your hair is very difficult to deal with and that you want to make it more manageable. Nothing wrong with that :).

I feel so ashamed of my African American hair?

Omg! Be Black %26amp; Proud! African-American people are beautiful. I personally say, be proud of your hair. If you have a problem and maybe want it softer: take a good conditioner: (Dont wet hair) leave it on, and wait an hour, then wash it. and in the morning shampoo %26amp; condition it in the morning. Do lots of brushing...OR just go ask a salonist!

Just Remember! Be proud of who you are!

I feel so ashamed of my African American hair?

No you should have your hair the way you like it. If it makes you feel better about yourself then then keep it permed.

I feel so ashamed of my African American hair?

It definitely doesn't. I have really straight "Asian" hair, and I want to get it permed. It has nothing to due with how I feel about my heritage, just what works for me.

If you love your hair as it is, than keep it. You're doing what any girl would do.

I feel so ashamed of my African American hair?

Black people do all kinds of things with their hair when they are older. It doesn't make you ashamed, it just means you want to try something different.

I feel so ashamed of my African American hair?

noo girls dye their hair all the time

does that mean they hate their genes?

go for it, whatever makes you feel your at your best


plus your still reppin the skin color


I feel so ashamed of my African American hair?

No way! It is just like when someone with straight hair wants curly, and someone with curly hair wants it to be straight. In the end, we all have our bad hair days.:)

I feel so ashamed of my African American hair?

no look at my hair;...

im trying to work with it i want to grow it long

u ahve to do whatever to deal with ur hair

I feel so ashamed of my African American hair?

African-American hair is NOT unmanageable, you just have to know the correct way to handle it, and no, perming your hair does not make you ashamed of your blackness, if you were perming it, dyeing it blonde and wearing blue contacts, I would have a different answer.

I feel so ashamed of my African American hair?

tyra banks, naomi campbell, kerry washington are all gorgeous african american women who are not the least bit ashamed of their african american roots, but still have unconventionally long hair. i think that you should keep your hair the way it is as long as you like it ! if it looks good keep it, the only way you would be turning your back on your roots is if you were growing your hair because you were ashamed of your ethnicity, which i'm sure you arent. keep the long hair if you like it! ( although i love rihanna's bob cut, you should try that if you decide to cut your hair anytime soon) hope that helped!

I feel so ashamed of my African American hair?


I feel so ashamed of my African American hair?

No that doesn't make you ashamed of your black hair. Personally, I love natural hair and that's why I chose to cut all the relaxer out and start over. There is nothing wrong with choosing to get relaxers though.

I feel so ashamed of my African American hair?


I feel so ashamed of my African American hair?

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze gurl there is to much other stuff to worry about. You dont have to be ashamed of anything. Thats like someone white asking, should I be ashamed of my whiteness because I went to get a tan. DO YOU!

I feel so ashamed of my African American hair?

U should NEVER be ashamed of your ROOTS because it's a part of who U are as an individual. The GREATEST LOVE is within yourself therefore embrace, honor and love every aspect of yourself!!! :---}

I feel so ashamed of my African American hair?

People modify their bodies all the time for the both the sake of easier maintenance and their appearance.

Dark haired girls with, say, ancestry in southern European regions, dye their hair blonde-- but generally not because they're ashamed of not being ancestrally Nordic, or Germanic-- but simply because they think they look better blonde. Blonde girls often dye their hair dark-- but generally not because they're ashamed of their ancestral roots. I dyed my hair purple when I was younger, but not because was ashamed of being Indian, or human, for that matter.

Then again, a lot of Indian girls (for one example) wear blue contacts or try and lighten their skin based on a a specific image of beauty-- which almost definitely comes from a western cultural hegemony. That kind of scares me. But, I really don't compare that line of thinking to you making your hair both easier to maintain, and as such, probably more versatile.

I don't think you're ashamed of anything-- you're changing your hair to suit your personal style and preferences like hundreds of other girls do.

I feel so ashamed of my African American hair?

Hey...if you like your hair the way it is, you're in the minority, I think. Why mess up a good thing? I dye my hair darker, but that hardly means I'm ashamed to be white.

I feel so ashamed of my African American hair?

it doesnt make u ashamed

it jus means that u want a easier type of hair 2 matain

i do the same thing

try getting braids then so u dont have 2 work about combing it and it will grow still

and if u dont straiten ur hair and use grease and put it in ponytails it will b the nice curly stuff u had b4

I feel so ashamed of my African American hair?

Part of the problem is that many people with kinky hair are not taught how to properly care for their hair. It's not straight, so you shouldn't be using the same type of fine tooth comb that a person with straight hair would use. If you love permed hair, all that means is - you love permed hair - so what! Wear it. It is nice though, when people with kinky hair come to a point where they learn to love what they have naturally and realize that there are an unlimited amount of ways it can be worn - chemical free. But wear you hair any way you like. The real you, is the person on the inside, it's your heart that matters, not your hair.

I feel so ashamed of my African American hair?

u know i see what u r saying.

my cousins have hair like that and some friends. u just have to know how to style it. my one cousin(african american/spanish) just puts herhair in a pony tail with side bangs but this girl at my school has her hair short and straight with gold-like highlights it is amazng. u would have to have a pcture to truely picture it.

no that doesn not make you ashamed of your "blackness"

you just dont really like your hair (i dont either)

i think you should cut it shorter but not too short

I feel so ashamed of my African American hair?

no,i got a perm and i'm mixed, don't be ashamed because you still have natural african american hair the new growth is your natural hair and perms make your hair straight but if you only blow dry your hair after washing it you have your half natural hair

:) it's fine:)

I feel so ashamed of my African American hair?


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